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AP Studio Art Gallery

Student: Po Yuan

Score: 5


Po has gone on to an arts degree at one of the oldest and most prestigious art universities in Taiwan.  While in high school, Po showed great promise as he often superimposed objects onto his work and achieved considerable depth in his compositions.  


The central idea of my concentration is repetition and transparency. In Taiwan, the country where I come from, fruits and vegetables symbolize prosperity. In my concentration I want to show prosperity through repetition as well as my own obsession with food. 


I represented prosperity by repeating, superimposing and overlapping pieces of fruit and vegetables. My goal was to make an abundant number from only one or two items. In my pumpkin seed composition (#4), I superimposed a variety of seeds and used them to create repetition. In my tomatoes (#5) and garlic (#6) compositions, I went more abstract by changing the roundness of the vegetables into zigzags and squares to vary the repetition. Transparency was also further explored in the garlic composition (#6) by layering objects and adding drop shadows. This helped to create depth in my garlic composition (#6) and I was able to make it balance. I also wanted to manipulate some surfaces to play with transparent qualities. On my grapes (#1) I used collage and dry brush techniques. For my gourds (#8), I used an embossing tool to create texture. I think I showed prosperity in my compositions through the use of repetition, superimposing and space manipulation. 

Po Yuan's Statement

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